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Producer Statement - PS1 - Design

This producer statement is based on our standard class designs where pre-determined compliance has been considered for common sites throughout New Zealand. Additional cost may be incurred where site specific engineering is required. A PS1 is commonly required for building consent and resource consent applications. The issuing of a PS1 derives from information gathered from the geotechnical report, site specific environment conditions (wind zones, terrain categories etc) and construction monitoring.  

The standard PS1 example is subject to:

1. The ground at the site providing an ultimate bearing capacity of 150 kPa minimum, and

2. all reinforced concrete work being carried out in accordance with NZS 3109 and NZS 3114, and

3. all structural steelwork work being carried out in accordance with NZS 3404, and

4. site geotechnical hazards suitable for the indicated foundation,

5. ULS design wind speed limit less than or equal to 45.05m/s

6. Corrosion zone less than or equal to C3

7. Engineer supplied letter confirming that the generic PS1 can be used for the site, and

8. the engineering work covered by this statement being inspected at appropriate times during construction by a representative of Babbage Consultants Ltd.

9. 50 Year design Life, importance level 1

View the installation page for more details.