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Geotechnical investigation and assessment, including foundation recommendations, is carried out in accordance with Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE) guidelines.

The report is intended for submission to support a building consent application, confirm foundatiion design and provide a PS1. 

The scope of works undertaken by Babbage comprises the following;

• A desk study of publicly available information, principally held on the New Zealand Geotechnical Database (NZGD) and from Environment Canterbury (ECan)

• A fieldwork investigation comprising shallow hand auger borings (HA) and Scala penetrometer tests (SP)

• Assessment of the ground conditions, including groundwater levels, beneath each lighting tower

• Assessment of suitable foundation options for the lighting towers

• Evaluation of geotechnical parameters for the purpose of foundation design including

determination of available bearing capacity

• Liquefaction assessment

• Foundation settlement analysis

View the installation page for more details.