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Free Assessment

Congratulation's, you have taken the first step towards a world class flood lighting arrangement for your sports facility. 

This free assessment will determine some basic requirements which should be considered. We will contact your local authorities to establish the following:

  • Power supply

  • Resource consent requirements & cost

  • Geotechnical report cost

A report will be sent which will outline the feasibility of your intended project and to what extent existing power supply will support Class gradients of flood lighting.

A quote and invoice will be sent which will cover phase 1 of the project if you chose to progress. Community group funding is commonly available for this phase. You can submit the quotation and report to apply for funding. 

Magnatech LED require a Geotechnical report to establish site specific foundation requirements and subsequently a producer statement to provide the phase 2 (main) quotation. Funding establishments require a full and final quotation for this phase accompanied by resource consent and a producer statement to approve funding. 

Please provide you contact detail, site specific location and any other relevant information.