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Flood Lighting design considerations are the first step to initiating your project. Magnatech LED's global influence on domestic or commercial, amateur or professional applications empowers us to offer an international knowledge base of projects and applications to help achieve your goals and the desired outcome. We are continually developing our New Zealand product portfolio, if your application is not represented or you have a custom design, please send an enquiry so we can discuss your requirements. 

Why do you need to meet specific standards?

Workplace environments, sports parks and the like are regulated by industry or WorkSafe standards. For example, most sports played on fields or courts are considered to have intentional deliberate high-speed object and/or player impacts. Where an object travels at speed through uneven light distribution, the player will judge the speed of the object at different velocity. It is for this reason that uneven lighting distribution becomes dangerous to the player(s). International standards regulate design to ensure player(s) safety in conjunction with spectator comfort and experience are maintained. Other examples have specific determinations to work being carried out within areas of a workplace or industrial/commercial site. It is vital that the projects design meets local or internationally governed standards.

Power Supply 

Although LED lighting is highly energy efficient, high powered flood lighting can require a significant power source. The best way to accurately determine the supply of power to the specific site is to contact the network supplier. This information should be obtained in writing (via email is sufficient). Click on the image below and hover over your area on the map to show the contact details of your local network supply company. Ask for an understanding of the available power supply from the nearest transformer to the site you intend to develop. Magnatech LED can manage this requirement as part of our free assessment feature. 


Why do we need this information?

Specific designs require different levels of power supply. Some consideration is also required in relation to the cable size and run (distance from the supply point to the light source). Transformers supply a specific amperage via 3 phase cabling. For example, this could be 60amp or 80amp 3 phase supply. If the desired flood lighting arrangement requires more power than is available, a request will need to be lodged with the network supplier for a transformer upgrade or if any upgrade requests have been submitted. Due to the cost of transformer upgrades, it is also realistic to check with the local council to establish if they would request and fund an upgrade and/or if other future proofing should be considered. Obviously, this should be considered at the outset of a project initiation. An alternative flood lighting arrangement may need to be considered to progress the project.   

Location & Resource Consent

Where high mast poles are required, the location of each pole requires a geotechnical report to determine foundation specifications. Recourse consent is commonly required to determine light spill and degrative light impacts on neighbouring residential properties. High mast pole heights and excavation of the foundation footings exceeding the minimum requirements before resource consent requirement is triggered should be considered. Environmental soil contamination is required to be understood when excavating and removing soil. Magnatech LED can manage this requirement and determine the cost as part of our free assessment feature.

How to Apply for Community Group(s) Funding 

Application forms are available from societies (typically via a website), some community networks like Citizens Advice Bureaux and often at gaming machine venues. You must send your application directly to the society and not through a venue. Also, the society must deal with you directly and not communicate with you through the venue.

Contact Addresses of Gaming Machine Societies can be found via this link List of Society Websites

Apply directly to the society that:

Each society’s website outlines their authorised purpose and the locations of their venues. Application processes vary according to the society, but most are via paper applications.

How do we proceed?

Contact us for a free assessment which triggers the required work flow to proceed with your project. 

Stage 1 - Site Specific Assessment

Magnatech LED will assess your project and determine what is likely to be required to progress. Considerations such as resource consent requirements, power supply, site specific wind category and other factors can be checked to establish possible constraints. Your organisation can decide upon the designed lighting design, or a custom design can be discussed. Once these factors have been established, a quote can be provided to enable your organisation to consider how to fund the project. Funding applications can be submitted by the applicant (you) if this option is available to you. 

Stage 2 - Supply and Installation

Once funding is available, a geotechnical report, resource consent application, building consent exemption and any other site-specific or project specific requirements can be implemented. Products will be ordered and project planning launched.  

Stage 3 - Execution and Commissioning 

Magnatech LED will project manage the supply and installation for a successful outcome.